Friday, February 26, 2016

What Do You Mean You Spoke to Frigga?

I thought I would write a clarification post by what I mean when Frigga and I have a conversation. Going to go ahead and say here, I expect some people to think I'm making this up or that I'm completely crazy - that's ok, I accept this and am trying my best not to be upset over any commentary regarding that. This post if for those of you, like me, who went looking for others who were also speaking with the gods. When Frigga came to me, I went looking and, thankfully, had a friend who connected me with others like myself. This made me feel less nuts and actually helped me to figure out where I was and what I needed to be doing. So, if you're in similar shoes, this post if for you.

Joshua Tenpenny writes on his blog, Serving Gods, a very clear post about having conversations with gods and how it works for him. I found his blog post comforting and inspiring and while I encourage you to go read the whole post, I wanted to share a key piece here:
If you are talking to someone who doesn’t believe all this, they want to know precisely what level of implausibility are you claiming...Basically, they want to know whether you are a Grade-A Nutter, or just someone who bizarrely chooses to interpret normal life situations in some kind of weird religious context.
From the standpoint of a hard polytheist, some people have waking visions and some people have subtle hints, and unless there is some other reason to question the validity or accuracy of the message, the means of communication are as irrelevant as whether Susan invited you to her birthday party in person, by email, on Facebook, or mailed you a physical invitation. 

So here is the short clarification: 
I have had dreams and waking visions of Frigga wherein she is either here with me, like someone physical sitting beside me, or I am with her in Fensalir, walking through her hall or along the misty marsh and we talk.
For non-believers, this is the penultimate of bonkers and that is why I quickly looked for reference among others with similar experiences. Happily, I found some and even had a reading that assured me that this was what was actually happening and not something my brain was just misfiring and making up.

Is this the first time this has happened?
Yes and No. I have been in the presence of gods before, however, these situations were usually after deep meditation, a request for their presence, and usually after days, weeks, or even months of a certain spiritual practice connect with that deity.
I have had guardians and spirits contact me in this jolting and unexpected way but Frigga is the first goddess to contact me without my first initiating the contact.

How do I know its Frigga and Not Something Else?
This is a blog post all its own but...
I know its Frigga and not my own Higher Self or Ego because of 2 things - 1) she has requested a few actions and set in place a few taboos I'm not entirely comfortable with; nothing crazy or dangerous, just out of my comfort zone. 2) Someone who isn't emotionally connected to my situation did a reading and confirmed it was Frigga.
I know its Frigga and not a malicious entity because of 2 things - 1) I have experience with malicious entities and have my own system of vetting spirits that come to me. 2) see #2 above.

My Recommendations for Those Being Visited by the Divine?

  1. Get a reading from a divination expert, shaman, or other spiritualist that you trust. These people will be able to vet your situation and tell you what their form of divination says as well as give a little bit of clarity on what the god or entity that is visiting you wants. 
  2. Simply ask the god, spirit, or entity what they want. This is huge and if they are legit, they will answer. 
  3. Remember, you have the right to stop communication or say no any time you want. Free will does exist and if you don't want this entity as part of your life, you can say so. If the entity does not leave, get a reading from an expert or consider taking steps to exorcise/banish the entity. Remember that the gods aren't all that interested in forcing someone to work with them - malicious entities however will linger while they can. 

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