Frigga's Correspondences

It has always been important to me to create my own table of correspondences when it comes to my craft and practice. By doing this, I refrain from using symbols and items simply because a book says that they are good for this ritual or act of magick. I use the symbols and tools that I do because they are important to me and related to my purpose not only in text but in my life and heart.


Other names: Frigg, Frau Holle, Holda, Hulda, All-Mother
Pantheon: Norse
Role: Queen, Mother, Spinner of Fate, Seer

Magickal Focus: Motherhood, heart and home, wifely duties, creating order from chaos, spinning and fiber arts, psychopomp specific to children who have died before birth or baptism, household industry such as cooking and cleaning, divination especially in private.

Related Deities: Arianrhod, Arachne
Related Saints: Walpurga
Season: All but strongest in Winter
Holy Days: 17 Blutmonath, 7 Thrimilchimonath, Yule, and Eostre. She may also be honored in a small part on Baldr's holy day as well as holy days devoted to her handmaidens, her mother Jord, or her husband Odhinn especially in his capacity as King and All-Father.
see -

Colors: White, Blue
Rune: Berkano/Beorc
Tarot Card: Empress
Other Symbols: Birch Ogham, Keys (a set of 9 keys on a belt), spoked wheel (some say 8 spokes to represent the year's changes and holy days), spindle, needle and thread, mother goddess imagery such as full breasts and hips
Tools: spindle and other fiber arts tools, broom
Animals: Goat, Goose
Stones: Clear/Opitical and Blue Calcite, Moonstone, Snowflake Obsidian, Snow Quartz
Greenwights: Birch, Motherwort, Weld, Chamomile, Flax, Broom, Borage, Lady's Bedstraw, Shepherd's Purse, Thyme, Wild Rose and most marsh or swamp flowers.

Offerings: When it comes to food and drink offerings Frigga has told me she is particularly fond of:

  • fresh baked bread with real butter 
  • small heirloom alpine strawberries with a lot of flavor 
  • honey and honey mead 
  • sweet wines 
  • chamomile and honey tea 
  • flax seeds and oats (and most baked goods made from these) 

Other acceptable food/drink offerings include

  • birch syrup
  • goats milk/cheese
  • breastmilk
  • yuletide candies
  • "spun" sugar

I have tried to make a habit of leaving a small amount of any meal I cook myself on her altar as well.
Other offerings include

  • acts of industry around the home 
  • spinning 
  • fiber arts
  • cleaning
  • cooking
  • charitable acts or donations to charities or organizations that particularly aid mothers and children
  • telling her stories (see: Holle fairy tales and Mother Goose rhymes) to children

Taboos: (note - many of these are personal taboos put in place in my service to Frigga and may not pertain to others)

  • In-hospitality
  • Disarray or out-right dirtiness in the home, especially at her shrine or when approaching her shrine
  • Tearing down another mother through words or actions
  • Ignoring wifely or motherly duties
  • Disrespecting or misusing divinatory abilities
  • Disrespecting the practice of Gebo
  • Putting toxic substances into the bod or on the body such as processed foods or chemical cleaners
  • Cutting my hair or dying it (see above about toxicity)
  • Incomplete fiber art projects after the new year
  • Shaving - this is a minor taboo for me so far but she says we should not sheer ourselves like sheep.

1 comment:

  1. I have been searching for quite a while for informaiton about Frigga, and I'm really pleased to have finally found this. It's really helpful, thank you so much.
