Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Queen Frigga and Frau Holle

Let me preface this post that this entire blog and this post included is UPG and this is just how I feel and practice - I know a lot of people do not necessarily practice or believe the way that I do but I can only do how I do.
I'll get straight to the point...

For me, Frau Holle/Holda is simply another face of Queen Frigga.
For some this is blasphemy or uneasy at best but for others the similarities are enough to agree.

  • Both are goddesses of the home
  • Both are goddesses of spinning and fiber arts
  • Both live in watery places (Frigga lives in marshland and Holle in a land of wells)
  • Both carry a set of keys on their belt
  • Both are seen in their homes attended by handmaidens

Another way that this could make sense is to see Frigga as Odhinn's mate and, just as Odhinn appears in many masks and guises, Frigga too can change her appearance and form from dominant Queen to old lady or hag to Lady of the Wild Hunt who rides the night just as brilliantly as Odhinn does.

For me, it was enough to feel that inner truth and knowledge that yes the two are the same. The aforementioned reasons and similarities simply added confirmation. Then, as I read more about Frau Holle, including her descriptions and her being the witch that blesses/curses the fairy tale daughters - one with dropping coins from her mouth when she speaks and the other dropping swamp reptiles when she speaks.
Her description as a hag that can later be seen as a young woman with long white hair - this later does look like Frigga when I have seen visions of her but the first actually brought to mind the first guide I ever had a vision of - an old woman with long white hair and a black cloak who taught me to scry. I asked Frigga if this was her and got a confirmation through an omen. I nearly cried because this means that Frigga has been by my side and my guide for over a decade and I didn't know her for it.
The fairy tale is one of my favorites but is also one that I feel says a lot more than the simple story tells in one reading. I'll talk more about this in a future post but will leave it here saying that this story means a lot to me and I feel even more love for it now that I connect it to Frigga.

Lastly, I almost cried again when I read about how Holle takes care of children lost early on, especially unbaptized children. I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and it warms my heart to know that Frigga could hold my little girl to her bosom and care for her until her next incarnation even though I could not.

Now that I've made the connection that Frigga and Holle are the same - this opens up a whole new door to me of finding ways to honor and have devotion for the goddess that has called me into service. Not much has been written about Frigga outside of her dealings with her son and husband (though very important in their own rights). Holle, however, is connected to many stories, fairy tales, and Mother Goode rhymes. All together gives me a vast and deep well to draw from.

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